
Ok, you asked for that. Time for some next final reflections after coming back from Adana.
Since March, I have been sitting, observing, reading, watching, analyzing stuff. Mainly the stuff connected to TTC , known also as KJO. And the final thoughts... they just scare me.
Leaving last year (October2005) to Turkey, I knew that there was some mutual animosity between the members of my own group at KJO. Happens everywhere, it's not possible to have a bunch of individuals who co-exist together in some nice and friendly atmospehere all the time. That's normal. There were some ups&downs, but more less 'twas ok.
But the atmosphere that I experienced after my coming back.... frankly speaking I was a bit in schock. I had many troubles fitting again in the reality of KJO life, because of different reasons, it's not time to state them now and to make you feel sorry for me. And the group atmosphere was not making that coming back to reality easy. I'm not saying that people should welcome me with champagne and flowers and roll the red carpet in front of me. Definitely not. It's not my point.
My point is the situation I found at KJO. What I noticed was the official war between people. I constantly have heard some vicious comments towards people I liked more or less, some freaking gossips, some conspiracy theories. KJO war has been going on for good.
Time passed and this war has developed. The latest battle took place last night. The field of the battle - "AgataL & students" Blog. I was reading the battle report and the words that came to my mind were "What the f..k??" Those who are interested in this particular issue know, what has started this sophisticated comment discussion on the neutral teritory.
And now, because this is my own private space, where I can freely express my point of view, this is what I have to say about this, so read carefully, take into cosideration, if you want, or don't. Feel free to comment, if you wish.
I do not approve public flattering in such form, I do not approve attacking with words as it has been done there, I do not approve making people feeling sorry for what is not their fault. I know, freedom of speech, The Blue Ribbon Campaign, I perfectly get it, and I am 100% for freedom of expressing whatever comes to somebody's mind. Especially in case of blogs. But I don't have to approve everything, and I do not have to be pleased with everything. As people noticed, some particular line has been crossed. Unfortunatelly. I also admire few teachers from my past schooling experience, few from my present education process. I really do. And they know about that without me making a-big-thing-public-statements. I do it in my way, the way I feel is right. In this particular battle, most probably buttering-thing was not the main issue, but as you have noticed, it has been taken as such. People are only some human beings, they do make mistakes (known from experience, I'm not saint, I have few sins to be sorry for), they do things they believe are right, and later on it turns out that they did something opposite, very often unintentionally. But we are THE human beings, those who can think, observe, feel. And it works both ways, my dear KJO members.
Freedom of speech? There you go, but be aware of all those things it may cause. Word is a powerful weapon, and it needs a skilled person to use it right. If you are brave enough to express what comes to your mind, be brave enough to take the criticism with dignity.
My intention is not to judge particular people here, I'm not the right person to do it. All I wanted to state is what I think about the situation as such.
Most probably, to be continued...
Ok, I have something to add.
Writing some posts on blogs of classmates, if I can say so, I'm not defending anybody. Just stating facts, or giving my opinion. One may not like it, fine. I've listened to both sides' arguments. And it doesn't have to mean, that I totally agree or disagree with any of them.
I do not think that the issue is mostly about freedom of speech. The whole beef is caused by inability to face another person to say what ytou think. It is easier to hide behind blog's layout...
True, I have to agree with you. It's way easier to write sth on some blog, web page, or wherever, instead of saying the same words face to face.
Well, it's also some safety stuff, stating some comments in the virtual world prevents you from being punched immediately ;)
It's easier, yes, but also sometimes the desire to say what you want is so strong, that you just don't want to wait till the very moment you meet this person, and you just write things.
And the carring less issue? In my opinion, marta f, it is possible, but one may wake up one day with heart made of stone. You need to answer the question "Is it worth it?" on your own.
I wrote a comment yesterday too, but I must say that it sucked. The flattery stuff did hit me somehow, but whatever... I got problemz of my own I shi* you not. Someone sometime considered whether freedom of speech can suck at times?
Drogi mikroskopie, to co napisałam, to jest to, co JA miałam do powiedzenia w tej kwestii. Ty powiedziałeś to co miałeś do powiedzenia, ja mówię to co ja mam do powiedzenia. Wybacz, ale mam wrażenie, że właśnie ty uznajesz się za tego wspaniałego. A co do wolności wypowiedzi, to akcje typu Blue Ribbon Campaign nie biorą się znikąd.
Jak widzisz, mimo tego, że muszę zaaprobować komentarze, twoje jakoś pojawiły się na moim blogu, panie "inteligętny".
Aby zaspokoić twoją ciekawość, słówko "rethink" istnieje.
Panie mikroskopie (a może Pani mikroskop?), sama wiara może i nic nie daje, ale patrząc na niektórych ludzi można miec poważne wątpliwości co do tej kwestii.
Choć muszę Ci mikroskopie przyznać rację, trzeba żyć tym, w co się wierzy, bo czy inaczej ma to jakiś sens?
Ristopher, freedom of speech sucks sometimes? Well, I guess that sometimes it is just used in a wrong way.
Ja tylko robię swoje.
A ludzie i ich zdolności do prowadzenia rozmów? Często zamiast dialogu wychodzą monologi, które bywa, że nie mają punktów wspólnych, takie werbalne wykresy równoległe do siebie czasem powstają. A szkoda.
Wiadomo, wszyscy się głupio zachowaliśmy (tzn te osoby które wzięły udział w utarczce słownej). Przyznaję, że nie popieram tego typu pochlebstw, ale też że sama pobłądziłam. Czasem najpierw coś robię albo mówię, a dopiero pózniej myslę. Zgadzam się z Pszemem i z Toba Aguś. Odsyłam do mojego bloga.
No jak to mądrze, po staropolsku, w przysłowiu stoi: "Mądry Polak po szkodzie".
Mam nadzieję, że każdy (my dear KJO members) coś wyniesie z tej lekcji, oprócz tylko wnoszenia do niej wzajemnych pretensji. Fingers crossed!
Wiesz, ja generlnie nie staram sie tutaj wnosic żadnych pretensji. Mea culpa, Mea culpa,... . Trzeba po prostu sprawę postawić jasno: wszyscy zawiniliśmy bo daliśmy się ponieść i najbardziej na tym wszuystkim ucierpiały osoby postronne, niewinne. Pytanie tylko, czy teraz zachowamy się jak dorośli i coś z tym zrobimy (tzn pogadamy i sprawę wyjaśnimy), czy też dalej będziemy zachowywac się jak dzieci (tzn żyć w jakiejś chorej i wrogiej atmosferze)?
Ja tak ogólnie napisałam o tym wnoszeniu pretensji, patrząc przez pryzmat całej zaistniałej sytuacji.
Ja jak zwykle będę za gadaniem :) bo ludzie, jak już susan wspomniała, za mało rozmawiają ze sobą. I potem, cholera jasna, jest to co jest.
Pasztet tak zwany.
@mikroskop - nie bronie Tobie zabierać głosu w dyskusji, ale zauważ, że cała sprawa rozchodzi sie o sytuacje isniejacą w realu miedzy stronami konfiktu, wiec Twoje wypowidzi sa srednio adekwatne (według mnie), gdyż nie masz pełnego obrazu tej konkretnej sytuacji, mimo że najwięcej rozegrało się (very unfortuantely) na blogu.
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