Sunday, May 14, 2006

Clouds of smiles carried on the wings of wind

Barlumi di felicità cadono, come i petali di una rosa nel deserto, sul pavimento delle emozioni, lasciando di essi il solo ricordo..
Nuvole di sorrisi, trasportate dal vento, cambiano forma come cambia il mio umore..
Strade senza meta scorrono sotto i miei piedi, come le lancette di un orologio scandiscono gli ultimi istanti di una tristezza lontana..
Vorrei poterti regalare un cielo degno del tuo splendore mia stella.. ma il solo che posso donarti sono i miei occhi carichi di un amore mai dato..
(by Marco)
Recently I was going through some blog of a person I used to know. I found this short text. Because my Italian is not that good to get the exact meaning, I asked my friend to translate this for me. And I was astonished. Few things became clear, and got the new meaning. But... does it matter now?? I guess not that much. Just the Memories are nicer, warmer and a bit more precious. They make me smile inside...
My Sky is beautiful, Streets under my feet are getting their destination, Sadness is going away. Glimmers of Happiness are falling down, kissing my face, they are shining in my eyes.
The Memories... the inseparable part of my Existence.

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