Sunday, June 25, 2006

Having few friends of mine last Saturday

Searching for the lost sausage...

Charles The Gentelman

Mhhmmmm, I'm lovin it....

That's how the gossips are being created...

They told us: "Don't drink that"
Of course we didn't listen to them :)

So soft, so tender, so warm...

Shall we?

Give it to me baby, a-ha a-ha....

Caught with a drink

Lord of The Fire

The first rule of Figth Club is "You do not talk about Fight Club".
The second rule of Fight Club is...

Scary Movie, part 1268463786

Same names, same signs, same blanket :)

Partying is such a tiring thing to do


Ristopher;) said...

Yeap tired like hell! And even more than tired:)

POUL said...

Niech żyje tato!!! Za to co nam polał 100 lat, 100 lat!!! Naprzó tato, jesteś mega Kozak znad rzeki Kubań:) Było ałtstending... Dziekuję:)

Agnieszka said...

Susan: 'twas awesome, with one exception, and HE knows what I'm talking about. LOTC - most probably having his own party in Sieraków ;)
Poul: Atmosferę tworzą ludzie :) "Pijemy dzisiaj na wolnym powietrzuuuuu.." :P
ristopher: hope you had a good sleep on that bench ;)
Best :)

karol said...

Thanks for the party, it was really great and we had a lot of fun. We need to have such meetings from time to time :)

Agnieszka said...

Sure, I can give the place, I mean my garden, any time I'm in Poland. Next time we see each other - September.
Best :)

Anna said...

Thanks for the party. It was grrrrrrrrreat. When it comes to me, you know what to do- give the time and place, and I'll be there (100%);-)
Thanks again bella